Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dan's Cabin

Okay so the Mesquito Repellant (Listerine) didn't work so well up at Pine Haven - Dan's Cabin. I'm sure it was because there were so many of those BLOOD SUCKING CREATURES!  It works fine out on our deck at home.  Anyway - Yellowstone, Dan's Cabin and the whole weekend was great fun.  To you who could not be there, you were missed.  Also the Bear World was a big hit for those of us who decided to take the extra day to go see.  The picture is from Kyle and Whitney - what would we do without someone else taking pictures!!  (But wait where is Mike?  Oh yeah - he decided to sit this one out, literally - he was sitting on the steps watching us - silly kid!)  I'm sure there are plenty of other pics out there - be sure to send them to me so we can get them posted, the weather was terrific and some of your pics are awesome!


Chad R. Hawkins said...

Great picture, looks just like one taken from my camera!

Loni said...

Who is the ethnic guy next to Whitney? He looks like he is from India, wait that is Kyle??? Why does he look so dark? Weird...