Friday, January 16, 2009

Anna gets her CNA!

When Anna's instructor announced her name she also stated that Anna was the Valeditorian of the class! With 100%.

I'm sure she will miss all her friends.
Here she is with Cierra, Brooke, and Sophie!

Here she is with the instructor of the course - Carol

When another one of her instructors, Kami Peterson, spoke she first told a joke - I think you will like it:

There was this woman waiting at the bus stop and the wind was blowing wildly - a gentleman came up to the woman and said, "ma'am your dress is caught up in the wind you might want to push it back down." The woman looked at him and said " I need both hands to hold my hat on." The man looking embarrassed said " but ma'am your privates are showing." To this the woman replied "whatever you see down there has been around for 85 years, I just bought this hat yesterday!"

So this was the start of the clinical speaker - it was a great day and we should be really PROUD of Anna - way to go!


Chad R. Hawkins said...

Congrats! That's a big accomplishment.

Whitney said...

That's so cool! Congrats Anna!